It Might Be the Month of May If…

Hell hath no fury like the month of May. It is a calendar schedule full of year end deadlines for school and a gazillion extra activities. Is anyone else out there feeling the pressure of May? Family Footnote is for sure!

It might be the Month of May if…

Late night ball games postpone bedtime to well beyond the witching hour. Yet the morning alarm cannot be snoozed because school is still in session.

Preschool graduation happens, but due to snow days your five-year-old still has classes getting tacked on the calendar.

Monday is a field trip. Tuesday is a field trip. Wednesday is a fire drill and tornado drill. Thursday is a class picnic. And Friday is another field trip.

The school’s gymnasium is triple booked with end of year dance recitals, spring choir programs, and softball pictures.

It could also be May if…

The kids have practice for basketball, soccer, and baseball all in the same week because one sport is almost over, one is just starting, and the other is trying desperately to get that last game made up from April’s winter blizzard.

Your 2nd grader needs a coat and gloves to start the day, but will be down to a tank top and shorts by afternoon recess.

You have had to make cold lunch five days in row despite being a parent who always utilizes the hot lunch program. And I mean ALWAYS.

Your son’s hairline now has a bald spot because he got gum stuck in it and could get it out “all by himself”.

The Monday through Friday dinner menu at your house is leftovers from the weekend or cold cereal.

It could still be the Month of May if…

You go through a Chik-fil-A drive-through solely for the purpose of buying gift cards to give as teacher gifts.

No one can play outside in the morning because it is too cold, but then at bedtime you are yelling at your preschooler to put down the water gun.

You can only find one pair of swim goggles from last season and all four of your children are claiming sole ownership with no sharing rights.

The heater and the air conditioning have both been run in the same week.

Carpooling duty is renamed “shift change” because so often the older kids are getting picked up at a field only to be replaced by their younger siblings for practice times.

It “may” be “May” (see what I did there?) if…

Your cell phone has fourteen group text messages going that are the sole surviving documentation regarding the entire summer’s schedule.

You have already missed the deadline for every camp happening in June, July, and August.

Your daughter cannot find her soccer jersey because it is ALWAYS at the bottom of the dirty clothes basket.

Bedtime battles happen because it does not get dark until two hours beyond your youngest’s bed time.

The last day of school is becoming a reality and that means summer days will soon be here!

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