What I Really Want for Christmas!

My kids keep talking about all of the things they want for Christmas. My six-year-old is between an iPhone 11 and a big remote control car. Considering my oldest does not even have her own cell phone yet, and our family is strictly Android…the phone for the kindergartner is an extreme long shot. 

My daughters have not given my husband or me too many ideas. One of them wants stickers for her softball helmet and the other is being pretty secretive. Our toddler likes all of the ornaments on the tree and usually just requests something Elmo related when we start talking presents.

So, what do I want? Well so many things, yet nothing at all. I know, I know, that makes no sense. Keep reading to see what I mean.

No More Stuff

I want more moments and less stuff. Clutter makes me queasy and yet my house attracts unnecessary debris like my dog’s fur to black leggings. My husband and I have been together for quite a while. Through all of the moves and house projects, we seem to gain more and get rid of less. I have regularly Marie Kondo’d my way through closets, storage rooms, and garage space, yet we still have too much stuff. That is just the reality of having four kids. Each person accumulates possessions and pretty soon there is nowhere to sit in the living room.

So partly due to clutter and partly due to where I am at in life dictates that memories mean much more than possessions. Taking trips, even small ones, sound better to me. Enjoying dinner with others or meeting for ice cream holds the most value in my life. This year for the holidays, I just want beautiful moments that I can recall with fondness. And maybe a coffee shop gift certificate or two. But, please no more knickknacks, dishes, furniture, or items that are going to end up on my nightstand or closet floor covered with dust.

Good Health (or At Least Less Bile)

This holiday season and beyond I want everyone to be healthy. Especially when it pertains to my immediate family. Our household took a hit this past fall and fell victim to Hand Foot Mouth Disease, a bizarre stomach bug, sinus colds, sore throats, and coughs. There were some very, very dark days of whiny kids, crabby parents, and too many “man colds” to mention.

A sick day for Kelly’s two sons.

Each member of my crew seemed to have something at a different time. And everyone’s ailments varied just enough to make them impossible to diagnose. I basically feel like we walked through a cesspool of germs for most of November and are now in dire need of some snot-free days and vomit-less nights. The scratchy throats and rashes can take a hike too.

A Brighter Attitude

The “work in progress” mentality that I shoulder like a crutch has me wanting a sunnier and more optimistic disposition on the daily. And to be honest, I think I am getting there. I have tons to be thankful for in this life. Family, friends, a dog, a house, a minivan that is caked in sticky smudges from crayons and gummy snacks, a career I enjoy, and a recently published book.

All of the good outweighs the small frustrations. But, I still need the reminder to choose happy! Therefore, my big wish to Santa is to not take the great stuff for granted and also to quit sweating the minor inconveniences. This means focusing less on the exasperation sometimes associated with potty training, youth sports, endless carpooling, fitting 30 hours of holiday obligations into a 24-hour time period, and icky cold weather. 

Instead, I need to appreciate that my two-year-old at least has an interest in going to the bathroom. (And that reading a minimum of five books on the potty during the process is a good thing and not time-consuming, right?) 

I will be better about being glad that my kids love sports. Because it is great, plus they share the first-hand experiences with my husband and me since we volunteer coach some activities. It is also important to learn and accept that there are only so many hours in the day, so we may not see everyone over the holidays, but we do love thinking about them. 

The gross Midwest cold…well, I may need more than the Elf on the Shelf to get me thinking positive about winter weather. Like I wrote before, I am a work in progress. I am also a summer gal, so…

What are you wishing for this holiday season? Let all of us at Family Footnote know by leaving or comment on our FB page or website.

3 thoughts on “What I Really Want for Christmas!

  • December 10, 2019 at 2:35 pm

    Time spent with family and friends. More USD Coyote victories and for our kids to show a continuing interest in giving back during the holiday season. (Work in progress for kids & parents)

    • December 11, 2019 at 2:55 am

      Great list!

  • December 17, 2019 at 3:00 pm

    What I Really Want for Christmas: Like Kelly, I also want No More Stuff cluttering my life. Though I do love most of my stuff, it’s an ongoing battle to keep it under control. My mother has been ill recently, so I’m hoping she’s improved by Christmas. Perhaps most of all, I would like to focus more on the promise of joy that the Christmas holiday offers us.


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