Where Were You For Y2K?

It’s almost a brand new decade. This year, after my family serves with friends at the Open Door Mission banquet, I know my New Year’s will consist of a fire, a blanket, a nice glass of wine, and maybe a couple of friends. Things are a lot calmer than they used to be, and I love that.

Bonfire, Baby!

Back in the day, I never thought twice about how it would feel for the calendar to turn to 2020. I still remember the Millenium change like it was yesterday. J-Lo’s Waiting for Tonight music video was on MTV on our tiny TV in our college house. My friends and I were excited for a bonfire-style party to welcome in the New Year, so when the impending explosion of the world happened at exactly midnight, we’d at least be out under the stars, enjoying what God gave us before the supercomputer took it away. Kelly and I were actually in the same place that year–she married the host of that party–and that’s pretty special.

Here at Family Footnote, we asked some of our friends to recall where they were in the year 2000, and if they had any fear of Y2K. Can you relate?

Quotes From Friends

“I was at a party at a friend’s house in Omaha, Nebraska. My boyfriend gave me a tanzanite bracelet at midnight when the fireworks started. It’s beautiful. Y2K didn’t seem scary to me because I was with the people who loved me and just like the bracelet, I knew what was coming.” –from Houston, TX.

“I was a senior in high school. I don’t actually remember where I was, but I was definitely not nervous about the end of technology or super computing.” –from Omaha, NE.

“My friends and I worried. I was at a bar with my friend because she knew the owner. They bought cheap champagne for the room. I was absolutely worried about Y2K.” –from Jacksonville, FL.

“We debated going out, in fear of the world freezing in time, but I slapped on my frosted eye shadow and went over to my friend’s house. Very boring night. On New Year’s Day, I turned on our large Gateway computer and it stated the correct date. It was at that moment that I knew our world would be okay.” –from Omaha, NE.

“I was living in Vegas that year. The hotels were legit freaked about everything…the machines, the banks, everything.” –from Gretna, NE.

The Millenium New Year was one of my favorites because of the anticipation, the ending of one chapter, and the beginning of another in front of us. This New Year is similar. 2020 is a fresh start. A new adventure. An exciting time to be alive.

What about you, friends? Where were you? Were you caught up in the hype of Y2K? We want to know!

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