Three Audio-Books Worth Your Time

When Kelly wrote about audio-books changing the way she cleaned and worked out, I got curious. I downloaded my first audio-book, The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo by Amy Schumer per Kelly’s recommendation and laughed myself silly while running stadium stairs and hills in my neighborhood. Since then, I’ve downloaded many other audio-books, and I am addicted. Any time I get in my car by myself, go for a walk or run with my pups, or start a cleaning marathon, I look forward to the journey the books take me on. Here are three books that kept me enthralled enough to do extra burpees and dust just a little bit longer.

Anthony Bourdain

Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly by Anthony Bourdain 

I know, I know. I’m late to the party here, and I try desperately to not be the person who picks up a book or album simply because the writer has passed on, but I had an incredibly hard time with Anthony Bourdain’s death. As a writer, I can only dream to be as prolific and poignant as he was, and he held a special place in my family’s living room. This book was published in 2000, but I found it entertaining in 2018. If you haven’t picked up this gem, do so quickly. In it, Bourdain regales tales of trial, tribulation, and torment in the culinary world.

Readers get a sneak peek into the kitchen of some of the most famous restaurants in America, and Bourdain does not sugar-coat the complicated life style of a chef. Readers will get an appreciation for the art and research that goes into menu design and plating arrangements. There is an ugly side to all of the beautiful presentation that diners encounter. It’s fascinating, inappropriate, sad, and true. I am forever saddened Bourdain chose the end he did, but the gifts he left behind are never ending.

Self Help Healing

You are a Badass: How to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life by Jen Sincero

Gurrrrl, you need this book. Oh my goodness. If there was ever a book to make me get out of my car and strut around like a peacock, it’s this one. Jen Sincero is a goddess and she makes you feel just the same. Some of her quotes have made their way to my classroom such as, “The universe is abundant.” “Live in gratitude.” “What other people think about you is none of your business.” “The universe is crazy about you.” Seriously, it sounds a bit self-centered, but she directs the readers’ minds straight to gratitude. She is a self-made millionaire, explaining that whatever we desire, we need to put it into the universe and God (or source energy) will oblige. She continues to say what we say to ourselves becomes our truth, so if we’re constantly beating ourselves up in our heads, that is what will manifest in our lives. If we speak sweetly to and about ourselves, that is also what will manifest. It is such a powerful book that I listened to it twice and I NEVER read books twice unless I’m teaching them. Get this book tomorrow (or yesterday) and start feeling like a million bucks.

More Money, More Options

You are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero 

I’ve never really cared about money. I mean, I’m a teacher, so I really haven’t seen a whole lot of it in one place, but I never expected to either. However, I liked Sincero’s first book so much, that I downloaded her second. I’m sure my neighbors have questioned why I’ve been laughing or nodding my head while running very ornery dogs, and this book is the reason. Sincero takes her attitude and faith and uses them to talk about money. She claims we need to remove the negative label that money gets. She said money is how we take care of our family, take care of the needy, and take care of ourselves. I am notorious for claiming that money is the root of all evil, but she actually gave me a new perspective on it. She believes the universe is abundant and just waiting to give you the funds you need to live the life you want. She makes mention that we all have just one life, and we need not squander it. This great author gives tips on how to live your best life. It’s inspiration via a kick in the pants.

There you have it! Three books that made me laugh, gasp, nod my head, and think. Download one of these three today, and start working out harder, cleaning deeper, and enjoying yourself to the max.

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