Footnote Five: Five Ways to Embrace Your Chaos

Earlier this week, Kelly expressed gratitude for the chaos that surrounds her. Here are five ways to embrace the beauty of this hectic life.

1. Pause

We’ve all seen those memes encouraging us to live in the moment. It’s seemingly impossible when the feeling of overwhelm sets in. But sometimes–maybe when your schedule demands too much of you–pause. Look around. Take a deep breath. You’re probably busy with the people and things you love. Take a second to breathe before carrying out your superhero status. You may just turn your perspective to positive. 

2. Be grateful

The power of gratitude is immense. It’s impossible to feel negativity when you’re listing off your blessings. When you pause in the eye of the hurricane to smile, hug your little ones, fist bump your friends, or appreciate your job, conjure thoughts of thanks for each one of the stressors. This may be one of your many tests. If pausing in the middle of your day isn’t feasible, grab a notebook and your favorite pen, begin a list of your blessings at night when the storm has dissipated. Your sense of gratitude will last longer than the moments you take to acknowledge your gifts.

3. Create your list

The power of the mighty “to-do” list cannot be ignored. This type of chaos-embracing may feel like another “thing” to do, but it’s really powerful when used well. It also transcends age. If your middle schooler is overwhelmed with homework, if your second grader cannot possibly keep her social life in order, or if you have too many tasks to carry out in too many different areas of your life, turn to the list. My teaching partner just finished helping my high schoolers develop one that helps them organize their many activities and responsibilities. Start at the top, list your must-do tasks, begin tackling them, and feel the sweet satisfaction of crossing those pesky suckers off. It’s a beautiful strategy to help you itemize just what is holding you back from that new novel or Jenga game with your kids.

4. Get a helper

Look, even Superman and Wonder woman delegated tasks. If a cleaning person, a personal shopper, or a taxi aren’t in your budget, ask your kids to help. My daughter has a wicked-sharp brain (and tongue). If I tell her I need her to remind me of something, help me clean, or get her brothers to do something, that little CEO eats it up. If my oldest is sitting downstairs while I’m getting sweaty cleaning and working upstairs, you better believe he can help mow or bring up the laundry. And that middle kid may be cute enough to get out of many tasks, but his adorable little vessel can work a vacuum just as well as an Xbox. If kids aren’t surrounding you, find a way to carry out your burdensome tasks with a companion. Sometimes, all we need is a little help from our friends. 

5. Know you’ve got this

Finally, enter each day with the knowledge that you are a phenomenal human. You’ve GOT this. Look at what you’ve accomplished so far in your life. Walk with a skip in your step knowing that conquering stressors is your day-to-day normal. While there are one million people counting on you, they count on you because you’re massively important to them. Let your internal thoughts be incredibly powerful and positive. They will lead to amazing external products. We at Family Footnote appreciate you more than you know! Have fun embracing your sweet chaos!

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